Ayurveda and Iyengar Yoga in MySore India

daily yoga

Practice yoga twice a day - if you'd like!

There's no obligation to practice Yoga. This reatreat is simply a great way to experience India if that's what you're most interested in. However if you are a lover of yoga, or aspiring to be, then you'll enjoy starting each day with a morning class taught by your group leader who is a certified Yoga Teacher. As well, you have the option to practice alongside your teacher during the afternoon, for an open practice session, if you'd like to delve deeper.

Morning classes will be taught for all levels, from newcomers to experienced yogis. Afternoon sessions allow beginners to review what was taught in the morning, and serious practitioners to focus on what they need most. You can also arrange a personal pranayama and/or meditation practice in the early morning. You will be in a yogi's paradise with plenty of time to contemplate, consult, and practice.